Anyway, back to the good stuff! On Thursday Ryan and Jake went down to Nashville for a Sounds game. They had a blast! Ryan called me mid-game to fill me in on all of Jake's adorable antics. I think they spent about three innings chasing the mascot (ironically called Ozzie) around. As soon as Jake would get close he'd run up to give him a high five and then high tail it out of there. He wanted to be close but not too close. By the time they got home around 10 pm Jake was still a crazy, sweaty mess but they made memories that will last forever!

Then on Saturday we had tickets for the USO tour of Sesame Street Live on post. It was a great experience. Just the right amount of time, a cute show, decent seats - the kids had a blast. The whole shebang was totally free right down to these light-up whirly toys that would have easily cost 15 bucks a pop at a real show. In fact, this event easily would have put our family out over $100 and we were treated to the whole experience as a thank you from the fine folks at Sesame Street. It was very cool.

And now its almost Labor Day which means summer is almost over! I'm ready for fall and all the fun that brings. So if you see me wandering around next week with a sweater and jeans despite the 90 degree heat you'll have to cut me some slack :)
Those swirly light things do cost $15 a pop! We were silly enough to spend that when we spent a fortune taking Connor to Sesame Street 2.5 years ago!
Glad you got to have fun with Ryan before he left!
I hear you on the fall weather. I am totally ready and have already been sporting jeans despite the heat.
Next time there is something like that free on post, do fill me in. You know I am in an FRG which stands for FORGET REMICK GANG. I hear NOTHING. Glad you had a fun filled few days before Ryan begins h***.
Well I scoured your post...no mistakes. Well done. So I guess I'll just say, what a bummer Ryan is leaving again:( And I make no comment about wanting fall and colder weather you big freak. Come visit me in January...I'll cold weather you!
Looks like ya'll are having so much fun - Sesame Street live...too cool!! We're praying for you guys and Ryan while he's away.
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