Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Summer, Summer, Summertime

Just imagine the words of Fresh Prince and DJ Jazzy Jeff playing in the background as you read this post. Smell the coconutty goodness of suntan oil. Feel the warmth of too much sun on your shoulders . . . you get the point.
Just as recently as last year the long days of summer were daunting to me. I felt lost without the structure of our days during the preschool year. My thoughts, more often then not, went something like "what do I do with you kids today?". So when other moms would lament the start of the school year and the loss of the free days of summer I thought they were out of their minds.
Well, I don't know if its just that my kids are getting older or not but I can safely say this summer is nothing like I had anticipated. Our days are literally jam packed. I have trouble fitting in all the things I thought would be a regular part of our summer, keeping our days filled. This week alone we have made two trips to the Y, one tour of the quarry (which ROCKED - ha ha), speech therapy sessions for kids 1 and 2, a trip to the swimming pool . . . oh and did I mention that Jake is doing VBS so every night has been a late night thus far. And its only Wednesday afternoon!!! I'm loving it. We are having a blast and I'm just so happy that even with a new baby in the house we've managed to fill our days with fun activities.
And while I'm at it I MUST give a shout out to VBS at Grace Lutheran church. This place does it right and we will be doing VBS there from now on. Why? Because they serve dinner EVERY night to the WHOLE family before the program starts. Do I even need to say anything else on that subject?!?
And finally, a serious note to this post. We just got word yesterday that my sister-in-laws nephew (Ryan's brother's wife's sister's son) has a brain tumor. Its a punch in the gut to any parent to hear of a worst nightmare realized. Please pray for 9 month old Tyson. Pray for Jeremy and Summer as they watch their baby go through something they can do nothing about. Pray for a miracle. I am.


Natalie said...

Lacey i will keep him in our Prayers, and the parents too, i cant imagine what they are feeling but I will pray the Lord gives them all strenght.

Red said...

Praying for Tyson and the family...that's so hard...

I'm so glad you're enjoying your summer with the kids - sounds like you're having alot of fun and VBS serving dinner - that ROCKS! =)

ckuretich said...

mmm, I remember being a kid and LOVING nighttime VBS. Now my church does it during the day, so I can never help out because I'd have to take a week off of work - lame! but yeah, VBS is a great time.

and thanks for the Will Smith you'll be quoting Miami, doesn't that remind you of frosh year?!?!??! "party in the city when the heat is on..."