Friday, April 3, 2009

Spring Break

Whoever came up with the name "Spring Break" was obviously not thinking of mothers. This week has not been so much break-like as its been work-like. I think Spring Work might be a more appropriate title. Or "Spring What In the Heck Are We Going To Do Today?" might be another good one.
Now, don't get me wrong, I'm really not complaining. Its not been a bad week (even though I'm happy to see it drawing to a close). We've done a lot of fun things and enjoyed our lazy mornings and time with friends. However I won't linger on Monday morning once Jake and Ainsley are safely in their teacher's jurisdiction.
And its definitely is starting to feel like Spring so that is making everyone happy (ok, I kind of laugh as I type that because right now my kids are absolutely having a hissy fit at each other screaming and crying so at this exact moment they are not happy . . . but I'm choosing to ignore it). But the trees are all starting to bud or bloom. We made a trip to Lowes this week to pick out some lovely flowers for our front walk and pots (flowers that hopefully will say "buy this house!" to potential buyers). And a robin built its nest on a fence post in our backyard and yesterday there was just one egg but today there were two! How exciting! I was a little stressed last night when the storms came that sweet mama bird was going to lose her nest but thankfully it was still there safe and sound this morning. Now if I can just keep my kids out of it . . . See, I thought it would be cool to show Jake what was happening right in our very own backyard - thinking he was mature enough to understand that he must not touch the nest, etc. Well, I think I was wrong. So now one of my main pastimes is shooing the kids away from the nest. I will not have eggacide happen on my watch! Anyway, right now we are reveling in Spring and even though I may have to cover my flowers for our projected rain/snow event on Monday - I WILL NOT LET IT GET ME DOWN - so there!
And finally I have to brag on my Jake. He is getting to be such a big boy. Today we were at Chick-Fil-A (shocking, I know) and when he asked to get ice cream I told him he'd have to go up and get it himself. Well, I didn't know if this would work or not but I handed him his kids meal toy to trade in and anxiously watched as he headed up to the counter. Well, my little boy so clearly told the man that he would like an ice cream, then handed him the toy, and then clarified that he would like it in a cone and not a cup. I was so proud of him I could have burst!
Well, I guess I should go dress the kids for bed and read some books before I chuck them in bed. Goodnight!

1 comment:

Red said...

Ah I love that he was able to get his own cone!! Now if you can just get him to do 2 at a time, you'll be set! ;0)

Hope the snow averts you and you just get some rain Monday. Happy shopping for your "Curb Appeal" (lol, that's where my mind went! Oh HGTV!!).